Physical Characteristics of ERP Components
Overview: This module is designed to provide students with a conceptual understanding of the physical characteristics of ERP components (deflections in the waveform) and how they are described and measured.
Topics Covered:
- How averaging across trials reduces noise in the ERP waveform
- How ERP components are identified and labeled
- How ERPs are visualized over time (waveform plot) and space (topographic plot).
- How ERP components are measured and described
Making Inferences about ERP Components
Overview: This module is designed to provide students with a conceptual understanding of how ERP components can be used to make inferences about neural sources and to make cognitive associations.
Topics Covered:
- Issues with making inferences about neural associations
- Source localization methods (Brief overview)
- Issues with making inferences about cognitive associations
- Using condition comparisons to make cognitive associations
- Variations in how ERP components have been defined (Advanced topic)
- Common ERP Components and their cognitive associations