Here at PURSUE we are happy for you to use our resources but please give us credit for our hard work! See below the specific licensing for each of our helpful tools.
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License:

Under this licensure you may copy, distribute, and display only verbatim copies of the Animations–but only if you give us credit. Modifications and commercial uses are not permitted unless otherwise specified.
Teaching Materials
Attribution-NonCommercial Share-Alike License:

Under this licensure, you may copy, distribute, and display our class modules as well as derivative instances of our modules–but only if you give us credit. Modifications are permitted. Commercial use is not permitted unless otherwise specified.
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License:

Under this licensure you may copy, distribute, and display only verbatim copies of the Simulations–but only if you give us credit. Modifications and commercial uses are not permitted unless otherwise specified.
Video Tutorials
Attribution-NonCommercial License:

Under this licensure, you may copy, distribute, and display the resources found on the How-To Page as well as derivative instances of these materials–but only if you give us credit. Modifications are permitted. Commercial use is not permitted unless otherwise specified.