We’ve put together a list of external EEG training materials, lab equipment, software, data sets, and other resources. We’re always looking to grow our list of high quality resources, so if you don’t see it here, send us a link suggestion!
Educational & Training Materials
Applied Event-Related Potential Data Analysis
This book by Steve Luck provides a practical overview of the data processing operations that are used to extract ERPs from the EEG.
Luck, S. J. (2022). Applied Event-Related Potential Data Analysis. LibreTexts. https://doi.org/10.18115/D5QG92
New ANTS YouTube Series
This YouTube series by Mike X Cohen offers tutorials on neurosignal processing.
Streamline Your EEGLAB Experience
This is a tutorial on creating your own semi-automated pipelines by Danielle Gruber.
Processing Data with EEGLAB
This tutorial covers the key concepts of processing EEG recordings and ERP in the context of working with data in EEGLAB.
Makoto’s Preprocessing Pipeline
This is Makoto Miyakoshi’s personal recommendation for preprocessing EEG data using EEGLAB.
EEGLab Wiki
This site contains links to EEGlab software, documentation, and troubleshooting resources.
Virtual ERP Boot Camp
This is an online course by the Luck Lab that provides an introduction to the event-related potential technique, designed for students and researchers with little or no prior ERP experience.
ERP Info Resources
This page contains resources including ERP data analysis tutorials, links to slides from their two-week ERP Boot Camp, a list of open datasets in electrophysiology, and more.
ERPlab Toolbox YouTube Channel
This youtube channel contains data preprocessing tutorials produced by the Luck lab.
EEG Lab (UniMelb MSPS) YouTube Video
This video tutorial covers the basics of cap application.
EEG: Visually evoked potentials (VEP) YouTube Video
This video covers the EEG averaging techniques used in PURSUE’s introductory materials.
Pacer Lab Training Video
This youtube video contains the training on policies and procedures for Dr. Foti’s PACER lab at Purdue University West.
EEG Methods for the Psychological Sciences (Book)
This book provides an introduction to the technology and techniques of EEG in the context of social and cognitive neuroscience research that will appeal to investigators (students or researchers) wishing to broaden their research aims to include EEG, and to those already using EEG but wishing to expand their analytic repertoire.
ERP Core
The ERP CORE is a freely available online resource consisting of optimized paradigms, experiment control scripts, example data from 40 participants, data processing pipelines and analysis scripts, and a broad set of results for 7 different ERP components obtained from 6 different ERP paradigms:
- N170 (Face Perception Paradigm)
- MMN (Passive Auditory Oddball Paradigm)
- N2pc (Simple Visual Search Paradigm)
- N400 (Word Pair Judgement Paradigm)
- P3b (Active Visual Oddball Paradigm)
- LRP and ERN (Flankers Paradigm)
Hardware & Software
Brain Vision (used for PURSUE datasets)
Brain Vision is the leading provider of best in class equipment and software for neurophysiological research, EEG, and bio-signals throughout North America.
EEGLab (used for PURSUE analyses)
EEGLAB is an interactive Matlab toolbox for processing continuous and event-related EEG, MEG and other electrophysiological data incorporating independent component analysis (ICA), time/frequency analysis, artifact rejection, event-related statistics, and several useful modes of visualization of the averaged and single-trial data.
ERPlab (used for PURSUE analyses)
ERPLAB Toolbox is a free, open-source Matlab package for analyzing ERP data. It is tightly integrated with EEGLAB Toolbox, extending EEGLAB’s capabilities to provide robust, industrial-strength tools for ERP processing, visualization, and analysis.
BIOPAC is lower priced electrophysiology system, using a small number of electrodes.
BioSemi is high quality, high system density electrophysiology research tool.
Suggest a Resource
Do you have a resource you think should be included in this list? We’d love to hear from you! Please include a link to the resource, a category (Hardware & Software, Data, Educational & Training Materials, Other), and a brief summary of the resource’s importance. Thanks for helping us keep our list up-to-date.