These open source ERP experiments are modified from Kappenman et al., 2021. Experiments for N170, N400, P3, MMN, and the ERN & LRP are provided, corresponding with the experiments used in the PURSUE database. The experiments can be used alongside basic EEG/ERP lab protocols and data processing to collect and analyze ERPs.
These experiments include versions compatible with OpenSesame 3.2 and 4.02.24. They may not be compatible with later versions.
When using the PURSUE CORE experiments please cite the below in any publications:
PURSUE CORE Experiments [Experiments in Opensesame, analysis resources]. C. M. Bukach, J. W. Couperus, & C. L. Reed, 2022, www.pursueerp.com. CC BY-NC-SA.
Kappenman, E. S., Farrens, J. L., Zhang, W., Stewart, A. X., & Luck, S. J. (2021). ERP CORE: An open resource for human event-related potential research. NeuroImage, 225, 117465.
Click on the ERP experiment titles (right) to see video examples of each of the experiments.
- Face Perception (N170)This task elicits the N170. Images of faces, cars, scrambled faces, or scrambled cars are presented. Participants respond whether the stimulus is an “object” (face or car) or a “texture” (scrambled face or scrambled car). Click the N170 title for a video example of the experiment.
- Word Pair Judgment (N400)This task elicits the N400 using a word pair judgment task. On each trial a red prime word is followed by a green target word and participants respond, indicating whether the target word is semantically related or unrelated to the prime word. Click the N400 title for a video example of the experiment.
- Active Visual Oddball (P3)This task elicits the P300 using an activity visual oddball task. The letters A, B, C, D, and E are presented in random order (p = .2 for each letter) with one letter designated as the target letter for each block of trials. Participants respond indicating if the letter is a target or non-target. Click the P3 title for a video example of the experiment.
- Passive Auditory Oddball (MMN)This task elicits the MMN using a passive auditory oddball task. Standard tones (with p = .8) and deviant tones (with p = .2) are presented while participants watch a silent video and ignore the tones. Click the MMN title for a video example of the experiment.
- Flankers (ERN & LRP)This task elicits the error-related negativity (ERN) and the lateralized readiness potential (LRP) using a variant of the Eriksen flanker task. A central arrowhead pointing to the left or right is flanked on both sides by arrowheads that point in the same direction (congruent trials) or the opposite direction (incongruent trials). Participants indicate the direction of the central arrowhead. Click the ERN & LRP title for a video example of the experiment.