
The PURSUE project hosts workshops for curriculum design, course implementation training, and faculty learning community development.
In the PURSUE initiative, the PIs and faculty from diverse institutional backgrounds and research interests attend workshops to discuss the design, development, implementation and assessment of the teaching materials. These in-person workshops establish an atmosphere of trust and community while providing FLC faculty with professional and social support.
If you are interested in the PURSUE initiative, please sign up for updates!
- June 2024 #2PURSUE Workshop #9 was also held at the University of Richmond with “new implementer” FLC members. At this workshop, faculty worked to develop new EEG/ERP courses using the PURSUE materials.
- June 2024 #1PURSUE Workshop #8 was also held at the University of Richmond with “new implementer” FLC members. At this workshop, faculty worked to develop new EEG/ERP courses using the PURSUE materials.
- June 2023 #2PURSUE Workshop #7 was also held at the University of Richmond with “new implementer” FLC members. At this workshop, faculty worked to develop new EEG/ERP courses using the PURSUE materials. They were particularly focused on backwards course design to facilitate student learning goals and inclusive pedagogy.
- June 2023 #1PURSUE Workshop #6 was held at the University of Richmond with “modifying implementer” FLC members. At this workshop, faculty who had existing EEG/ERP courses were introduced to the PURSUE materials and worked to incorporate them into their courses. They were particularly focused on implementing learning goals and inclusive pedagogy.
- June 2022PURSUE Workshop #5 was held at the University of Richmond with the founding FLC members. At this workshop, the PURSUE group reviewed the full course materials after an initial round of implementation. They were especially focused on looking at revisions of the materials through the lens of inclusive pedagogy before… Continue reading June 2022