The publications listed below were sponsored by the PURSUE NSF grants: Bukach, Couperus & Reed
* denotes undergraduate co-author
Peer-reviewed Articles
- Reed, C.L., *Siqi-Liu, A., *Lydic, K., *Lodge, M., *Chitre, A., *Denaro, C., *Petropoulos, A., *Joshi, J., Bukach, C.M., & Couperus, J.W. (2022). Selective contributions of executive function ability to the P3. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 176. 54-61. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2022.03.004.
- Reed, C.L., *Hagen, E.J., Bukach, C.M., & Couperus, J.W. (2021). Effectiveness of undergraduate-generated animations: Increasing comprehension and engagement for neuroscience majors and non-majors. Teaching of Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1177/00986283211023061.
- Bukach, C.M., Bukach, N., Reed, C.L., & Couperus, J.W. (2021). Open Science as a Path to Education of New Psychophysiologists. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 76-83. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2021.04.001
- Couperus, J.W., *Lydic, K.O., *Hollis, J.E., *Roy, J.L, *Lowe, A.R., Bukach, C.M., & Reed., C.L.(2021). Individual Differences in Working Memory and the N2pc. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience,15, 620413. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2021.620413
- Bukach, C.M., *Stewart, K., Couperus, J.W., & Reed, C.L. . (2019). Using Collaborative Models to Overcome Obstacles to Undergraduate Publication in Cognitive Neuroscience. Frontiers in Psychology. 10, 549. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00549
Published Abstracts and Book Chapters
- *Jackson, W., *Song, J., *Stewart, K., Couperus, J.W., Reed, C.L., & Bukach, C.M. (2018). Interactive neuroscience: Creating interactive web-based simulations to demonstrate difficult concepts through student-faculty collaboration. In B. Brown & J. Holmes (Eds.). Teaching Tips: A Compendium of Conference Presentations on Teaching, 2017-18. Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology web site: http://teachpsych.org/ebooks/index.php
- *Hagen, E., Couperus, J.W., Bukach, C.M., & Reed, C.L. (2018). Visualizing neuroscience: applying best practices when creating animations of difficult concepts In B. Brown & J. Holmes (Eds.). Teaching Tips: A Compendium of Conference Presentations on Teaching, 2017-18. Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology website: http://teachpsych.org/ebooks/index.php
Conference Presentations
- *Folivi, F., Reed, C.L., Bukach, C., & Couperus, J. (2023, March). Interrelationship between impulsivity, Error-Related Negativity (ERN) and a Behavioral Flanker Task. Presented at Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, California.
- Reed, C.L., *Denaro, C., *Joshi, J., *Petropoulos, A., Thapar, A., & Hartley, A. (2022, November). Age differences and similarities in task-related EEG/ERPs and microstates. Presented at Psychonomics Society, Boston, MA.
- Couperus, J.W., Bukach, C., & Reed., C.L. (2022, April). Individual differences in objective and subjective socioeconomic status, and the N400. Presented at Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.
- Couperus, J.W., *Clarke, O., *Roy, L., *Joh, N., *Sadeh, N., *Sikder, S., Bukach, C., & Reed., C.L. (2021, November). Anxiety but not perceived stress affects pre-attentive processing measured by the MMN. Presented at Psychonomics Society (virtual).
- Couperus, J.W., *Lin, S., *Kaur, S., *Shang, J., *Suval, U., Bukach, C., Reed, C. (2021, May). Individual differences in objective and subjective socioeconomic status, and the N2pc. Presented at Vision Sciences Society (virtual).
- Reed, C.L., *Denaro, C., *Petropoulos, A., Thapar, A., & Hartley, A.A. (2021, May). Effects of age are not uniform across cognitive processes: a repeated-measures ERP study. Presented at Vision Sciences Society (virtual).
- *Chitre, A., *Denaro, C., *Joshi, J., & Reed, C.L. (2021, May). Individual differences in working memory predict the P3 response. Presented at Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC), UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.
- *Denaro, C., *Petropoulos, A., & Reed, C.L. (2021, May). Non-uniform effects of age across tasks: an ERP study. Presented at Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC), UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.
- Reed, C.L., *Kim, J.H., Couperus, J.W., & Bukach, C.M. (2020, November). Multilingualism, working memory, and the N400. Presented at Psychonomics Society (virtual).
- *Bartnick, K.N., Bukach, C.M., *Stibolt, O.S., Reed, C.L., & Couperus, J.W. (2020, October). Sleep Resiliency: normal variation in quantity of prior night’s sleep among college students does not impact P3 amplitude or task performance. Presented at Society for Psychophysiological Research (virtual).
- Couperus, J.W., Bukach, C., Reed, C.L. Procrastination and the N2pc. (2020, October). Presented at Society for Psychophysiological Research (virtual).
- Couperus J.W., *Hollis J., *Roy, J., *Lowe, A., Reed, C.L., Bukach, C.M. (2020, March). Individual differences in self-reported autistic traits and the N2pc. Presented at Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting. Boston, MA.
- Reed, C.L., *Berlin, M.K., *Diamond, E., *Potter, H.M. *Jo, A., *Kim, J.H., *Saikley, A. Couperus, J.W., & Bukach, C.M. (2019, November). It’s not just the age, it’s the emotion: own age bias is mediated by emotion. Presented at Psychonomics Society, Montreal, Quebec, CA.
- *Lowe, A., *Hollis, J., *Roy, J., *Okabe, T., Bukach, C., Reed, C.L., Couperus, J.W. Working Memory, short term visual memory and the N400. (2019, September). Presented at Society for Psychophysiological Research, Washington, DC
- *Berlin, M.K., *Diamond, E., *Potter, H.M. *Jo, A., *Kim, J.H., *Saikley, A. Couperus, J.W., Bukach, C.M., & Reed, C.L. (2019, September). It’s not just the age, it’s the emotion: Own age bias is mediated by emotion. Presented at Society for Psychophysiological Research, Washington, DC.
- *Lodge, M., *Siqi-Liu, A., *Berlin, M., *Hagen, E., *Jo, A., *Burre, A., *Saikley, A., *Zeledon, J., Couperus, J., Bukach, C., & Reed, C.L. (2019, May). Anxiety, depression, and their comorbidity influence neural responses to errors. Presented at Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL.
- *Borgatti, S., *Hollis, J., *Lydic, K., *Pestana, Z., *Lowe, A., *Welty, H., *Aming, C., Bukach, C., Reed, C., Couperus, J. (2019, March). The N2pc and individual differences in working memory. Presented at Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.
- *Laskowitz, S., *Deutsch, A., *Cole, Z.J., *Jackson, W., *Cinge, C., *Sathe, A., *Munezero, P., *Kade, P., Couperus, J.W., Reed, C.L., Bukach, C.M. (2018, May). Angry bias for black male faces associated with increased other-race effect for identity during visual discrimination. Presented at Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.
- *Jackson, W., *Song, J., *Stewart, K., Couperus, J.W., Reed, C.L., Bukach, C.M. (2018, May). Interactive neuroscience: creating interactive web-based simulations to demonstrate difficult concepts through student-faculty collaboration. Presented at Association for Psychological Science Teaching Institute, San Francisco, CA.
- *Lodge, M.K., *Liu, S., *Berlin, M.K., *Hagen, E., *Jo, A., *Burre, A., Cole, A., J., Couperus., J.W., Bukach, C.M., Reed., C.L. (2018, May). Oh X!#@$!: individual differences in inhibition and abstract reasoning influence neural responses to errors. Presented at the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.
- *Liu, S., *Lydic, K., *Lodge, M.L., *Hagen, E., *Berlin, M.K., *Jo, A., *Burre, A., Cole, Z.J., Bukach, C.M., Couperus, J.W., Reed, C.L. (2018, May). Individual differences in working memory and abstract reasoning modulate the P3 response. Presented at Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.
- *Hagen, E., Couperus, J.W., Bukcach, C.M., Reed, C.L. (2018, May). Visualizing Neuroscience: Applying best practices when creating animations of difficult concepts. Presented at Association for Psychological Science Teaching Institute, San Francisco, CA.
- *Lydic, K., *Nwanwko, F., *Hollis, J., Bukach, C.M., Reed, C.L., Couperus, J.W. (2018, Feb). Individual differences in perceived stress and anxiety and the P3 response. Northeast Under/graduate Research Organization for Neuroscience (NEURON), North Haven, CT.
Professional Presentations
- Bukach, C.B., Couperus, J.W., & Reed, C.L. (2021, June). PURSUE’s rapid responses to COVID. Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) IUSE summer lab session – what happens when things go off the rails?: Grant management for when the best-laid plans don’t go as planned. (Virtual: https://web.cvent.com/event/b7672fe4-77dd-4f12-8892-849747252f6e/summary)
- Teaching Psychophysiology in the Pandemic: Online Resources. (August, 2020). Co-presenter with Dr. Steve Luck a Webinar hosted by The Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR) Online (https://vimeo.com/451215447/2ae9c2afe3).
- Couperus, J.W. (April 2018). PURSUE: Preparing Undergraduates for Research in STEM Using Electrophysiological Methodologies. Keynote Speaker at the University of South Carolina Aiken Scholar Showcase Undergraduate Research Symposium, Aikin, SC.
- Bukach, C.M. (2018). Invited Talk: PURSUE: Preparing Undergraduates for Research in STEM Using Electrophysiology. Annual Meeting of the James S. McDonnell Foundation. Oxford, England.
Undergraduate Empirical Theses (students trained under PURSUE and/or students using PURSUE database)
- *Joshi, J. (2023). The effects of age on working memory capacity and neural function. Senior Empirical Year-long Thesis, Neuroscience, Claremont McKenna College.
- *Denaro, C. (2021). Non-uniform effects of aging across tasks: an EEG/ERP Study. Senior Empirical Year-long Thesis, Neuroscience, Claremont McKenna College.
- *Kim, J.H. (2020). Multilingualism, working memory, and the N400. Senior Empirical Year-long Thesis, Neuroscience, Claremont McKenna College.
- *Berlin, M. (2019). It’s not just the age, it’s the emotion: Own age bias is mediated by emotion. Senior Empirical Year-long Thesis, Neuroscience, Pomona College.
- *Diamond, E. (2019). Own age bias for identification and emotional processing: assessing competing attention for faces within the N170. Senior Empirical Year-long Thesis, Neuroscience, Scripps College.
- *Lodge, M. (2018). Oh X!#@$!: Individual differences in inhibition and abstract reasoning influence neural responses to rrrors. Senior Year-long Thesis, Neuroscience, Claremont McKenna College.
- *Hagen, E. (2018). Visualizing Neuroscience: Applying best practices when creating animations of difficult concepts. Senior Year-long Thesis, Neuroscience, Scripps College.
- *Siqi-Liu, A. (2018). Understanding you through me: neural simulation of others’ emotional body language. Senior Honors Thesis, Psychology, Claremont McKenna College.
Undergraduate Research Presentations (non-national presentations at PI institutions)
- *Joshi, J., Reed, C.L., Hartley, A.A., & *Denaro, C. (2023, April). Age-related differences in working memory predict neural responses. Presented at Keck Senior Thesis Symposium, Keck Science Center, Claremont, CA.
- *Denaro, C., & Reed, C. (2021, May). Non-uniform effects of age across tasks: an ERP study. Presented at (virtual) Keck Senior Thesis Symposium, Keck Science Center, Claremont, CA.
- *Petropoulos, A., & *Denaro, C. (2020, September). Effects of age are not uniform across cognitive processes: a repeated-measures ERP study. Presented at the Summer Research Symposium, Carleton College, Northfield, MN.
- *Denaro, C., & *Petropoulos, A. (2020, July). Non-uniform effects of aging across tasks: an ERP study. Presented at Summer Research Program Symposium, Claremont McKenna College, Claremont, CA.
- *Kim, J. (2020, April). Bilingualism, working memory, and the N400. Presented at Keck Senior Thesis Symposium, Keck Science Center, Claremont, CA.
- *Diamond, E. (2019, April). Own age bias for identification and emotional processing: assessing competing attention for faces within the N170. Presented at Keck Senior Thesis Symposium, Keck Science Center, Claremont, CA.
- *Potter, H.M. (2018, April). The influences of age, emotions and implicit bias on face recognition. Johnson Grant Award. Presented at Scripps College Summer Research Symposium. Claremont, CA.
- *Laskowitz, S., *Sathe, A., *Jackson, W., & *Deutsch, A. (2018). Angry bias for black male faces associated with increased other-race effect for identity during visual discrimination. Presented at University of Richmond Arts and Sciences Student Symposium. Richmond, VA.
- *Lodge, M. (2017, April). Individual differences in inhibition and abstract reasoning influence neural responses to errors. Presented at Keck Science Summer Research Symposium. Claremont Colleges. Claremont, CA.
- *Lydic, K., *Nwanwko, F., *Hollis, J., Bukach, C.M., Reed, C.L., Couperus, J.W. (2018). Individual differences in perceived stress and anxiety and the P3 response. Presented at Northeast Under/graduate Research Organization for Neuroscience (NEURON) Conference 2018. North Haven, CT.
- *Kim, J.H. (2018, April). NSF sponsored PURSUE Project using EEG. Presented at Keck Science Summer Research Brownbag Series, Claremont Colleges. Claremont, CA.
- *Lodge, M. (2018, April). Oh X!#@$!: Individual differences in inhibition and abstract reasoning influence neural responses to errors. Presented at Keck Science Senior Thesis Research Symposium, Claremont Colleges. Claremont, CA.
- *Hollis, J., *Pestana, Z., & *Borgatti, S. (2018). The N2pc and visual working memory. Presented at Sherman Fairchild Student Symposium, Hampshire College. Amherst, MA.
- *Sathe, A. (2018, April). Understanding the perception of words using Event-Related Potentials. Presented at University of Richmond Arts and Sciences Student Symposium. Richmond, VA.
- *Hagen, E. (2018. April). Visualizing neuroscience: applying best practices when creating animations of difficult concepts. Presented at Keck Science Senior Thesis Research Symposium. Claremont Colleges. Claremont, CA.
- *Hagen, E. (2017). Visualizing neuroscience: applying best practices when creating animations of difficult concepts. Presented at Scripps College Summer Research Symposium. Claremont, CA.
- *Jackson, W. (2017, April). Simulating the source of Event Related Potentials. Presented at A&S Student Symposium, University of Richmond, VA.
- *Richard. S, *Frost, L., *Rivera, C., *Jackson, W., & *Cole, Z. (2017, April). The art of capping: procedural directives for undergraduate ERP research. Presented at A&S Student Symposium. University of Richmond, VA.
- *Hollis, J., *Pestana, Z., *Borgatti, S. (2018, August). The N2pc and visual working memory. Presented at Sherman Fairchild Student Symposium, Hampshire College, MA.
- *Hollis, J., *Roy, J., *Okabe, T. (2018, August). The N400 and working memory. Presented at Sherman Fairchild Student Symposium. Hampshire College, MA.