Capping Procedure
Capping Procedure covers the step-by-step process of preparing the ERP Equipment, and the participant, for data collection.
Data Processing Stream
Data Processing Stream is a step-by-step technical walkthrough covering the PURSUE data processing stream for pre-processing EEG data.
Pre-processing: Filtering
Preprocessing: Filtering covers why to filter EEG data, as well as a step-by-step walkthrough of how to filter the data.
Pre-processing: Bad Channels Through Baseline Correction
Pre-processing: Bad Channels Through Baseline Correction covers how to look for bad channels, re-referencing, epoching the data and baseline correction both what these steps are as well as a technical walkthrough of how to complete the steps.
Pre-processing: Artifact Rejection and Correction
Pre-processing: Artifact Rejection and Correction an overview of possible artifacts, why we care about them, and a walk-through of examining EEG data for artifacts and ways to remove them from the EEG data.
Averaging & Data Inspection
Averaging & Data Inspection covers the last of the pre-processing steps, including why we average the data and a technical walkthrough of how create an individual average and grand average.
Waveform Quantification & Statistics
Waveform Quantification & Statistics covers multiple methods of quantifying the data and how to extract amplitude and latency data in preparation for analyzing the data with statistics.